ecGraph Demos



ecGraph Demo6.   Two data sets, grid lines, black background.

  • Two data sets, grid lines, black background.
  • Scroll down below the screenshot image to see the VB code that was used to generate the graph.



The VB code used to generate the above graph...

Public Sub Demo6(ecGraph1 As ecGraph)
  'Two data sets, grid lines, black background
  Dim i, Color As Long, X As Double, Y As Double
  Dim Symbol As Integer, SymbolSize As Single, Line As Integer, Legend$
  With ecGraph1
    Call .Reset 'Always call "Reset" first
    'Start the first graph...
    Call .NewGraph("Two data sets, grid lines, black background")
    Call .GraphTitleStyle(, , , , , False)
    Call .BorderStyle(ecDarkSeaGreen)
    Call .PlotAreaColors(ecBlack)
    Call .AxisGridStyle(ecGray, ecDarkGreen)
    Call .LegendTableStyle(, , 11, 8, , , ecLightGrey, ecLightGrey)
    Call .AxisLabelStyle("bold")
    Call .AxisTitleStyle("x-axis", "bold")
    Call .SelectYaxis 'select the y-axis before adjusting its style
    Call .AxisLabelStyle("bold", , -1)
    Call .AxisTitleStyle("y-axis", "bold", , -3)
    'First data set for this graph
    Call .NewDataSet("Data set 1")
    Call .DataLine(ecDarkBlue, 2)
    Call .SymbolStyle(3, 3.5, ecDarkBlue, ecYellow, 2)
    For i = 1 To 14
      X = 1.4 * i: Y = Sqr(i) + Rnd
      Call .AddDataPoint(X, Y)
    Next i
    'Second data set for this graph
    Call .NewDataSet("Data set 2")
    Call .SymbolStyle(3, 3.5, ecDarkRed, ecYellow, 2)
    For i = 1 To 14
      X = 1.4 * i: Y = Sqr(i) - Rnd
      Call .AddDataPoint(X, Y)
    Next i
    Call .Refresh 'Always end with "Refresh"
  End With
End Sub

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