EcGraph Demo9.   Two graphs, transparent plot area.

The VB code used to generate the above graph...

Public Sub Demo9(EcGraph1 As EcGraph)
  'Two graphs, transparent plot area
  Dim MathFunc$, S$, i, Color As Long, X As Double, Y As Double
  Dim Symbol As Integer, SymbolSize As Single, Line As Integer, Legend$
  With EcGraph1
    Call .Reset 'Always call "Reset" first
    Call .PageColors(ecDarkBlueViolet, ecBlanchedAlmond, 200, , -5)
    'Start the first graph...
    Call .NewGraph("Two graphs, transparent plot area")
    Call .GraphPosition(2, 2, 80, 60)
    Call .BorderStyle(, , , , True, , 12, 6, 6, 10)
    Call .PlotAreaColors(, , , , , True)
    Call .LegendTableStyle(, , 15, 16, , , , , , , , True)
    'First data set for this graph
    Call .NewDataSet("Data 1")
    For i = 1 To 19
      X = i: Y = Sqr(i) + Rnd
      Call .AddDataPoint(X, Y)
    Next i
    'Second data set for this graph
    Call .NewDataSet("Data 1")
    For i = 1 To 19
      X = i: Y = Sqr(i) - Rnd
      Call .AddDataPoint(X, Y)
    Next i
    'Second graph...
    Call .NewGraph("Grab border area with mouse to move graphs")
    Call .GraphPosition(28, 40, 65, 55)
    Call .BorderStyle(, , , , True, , 12, 5, 6, 10)
    Call .LegendTableStyle(, , 63, 60, , 0, , , , , , True)
    Call .PlotAreaColors(, , , , , True)
    Call .NewDataSet("Data 1")
    Call .SymbolStyle(2)
    For i = 1 To 300
      X = i / 16: Y = Sqr(X) + Rnd
      Call .AddDataPoint(X, Y)
    Next i
    'Add a math function..
    MathFunc$ = "0.5 + sqr(x)"
    Call .NewDataSet("y = " + MathFunc$)
    Call .AddMathFunc(MathFunc$, 0, 20)
    'Add a math function..
    MathFunc$ = "2 + sin(x)"
    Call .NewDataSet("y = " + MathFunc$)
    Call .AddMathFunc(MathFunc$, 0, 20)
    Call .Refresh 'Always end with "Refresh"
  End With
End Sub